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Your story could make a difference to someone who matters.

Imagine a world without teachers, without mentors or without other caring adults who taught us to be more than we ever thought possible. With the media shouting about issues in our schools and some politicians using educators as scapegoats, it's time for everyday Americans — from all walks of life and backgrounds — to raise their voices in support of educators who changed their lives.

Educators need to hear your voice

Maybe you told your teacher a thousand times how much they mean to you. Or maybe you never shared how much they impacted your life at all. Whatever your experience, this is your opportunity to share those stories.

Share Your Story

How has one of your educators inspired you? Share your story and your gratitude here. Fill out the form below to share and download a graphic you can use for social media. #EducatorInspired

Your Name *
Your Teacher's Name *
School District
Email *
What would you like to tell your teacher? *
0 (Max. 150 Characters)



Share Your Video

Share a story of an educator who helped shape you into the person you are today. They would love to hear it!